Thursday, May 14, 2009

I Have Been Held Captive By My Garden

Oh how I have missed you all!
 I haven't been able to tear myself away from my garden.
I mean, who can resist wisteria dripping down it's vine....

making a cozy retreat inside my wooden swing.

 However who has time to sit ?
There is loads of digging and pulling of weeds to do ~
if I could just stop staring at this purple Iris......

and pretty blue bells.

My garden paths hold promise at ever turn.
Just let me cool off a minute in the shade garden....
where the foxglove grows taller by the minute.....

and the tiny azalea plants are in full glory.
The Lilly of the Valley is sharing it's scent with all who will take the time to bend down and breath in.
 Have you passed by any simple delights today ~ for fear of bending down?

Another Iris ready to bust open.

Sleep has been so peaceful ~ with the cool spring breeze pouring through the window and pushing the scent of lilac through my nostrils.
I will probably keep these next to my pillow for some time as they hold their fragrance long after the beautiful lavender color has turned brown.
I have so much more to share but have to get a weeks worth of inside chores done now ~
while the rain is falling.
Oh No! The sun is breaking through the clouds, who needs cleans clothes,
I'm headed outside!
See you soon!

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