Sunday, December 30, 2007

Reflection for the Coming Year ~ 2008

I am feeling so hopeful about the year ahead. It's not that everything is right in life ~ in fact it may be quite the opposite. For some reason though ~ a peaceful calm over rides every negative thought that crosses my mind. Peace that passes all human understanding.
I am enjoying the confidence that has come with some of the wrinkles on my face. I have realized I need to answer to no one but myself and my Lord. I look to no one for the final say so in my life ~ and am more willing than ever to follow the path God has placed inside of me.

I vow to eagerly answer His call and desire with ALL my heart for Him to use my hands as His. I also know for sure I can't solve the worlds problems in one fell swoop but can reach into my own pool of blunders and life's events to encourage someone else. I will greet any abundance in my life with Joy and Thanksgiving and pass it on with great Eagerness.
And ya know what else ~ I'm gonna have FUN!!! Silly ~ wet your pants kinda belly laughs FUN! No matter what comes along. Sadness ~ Fear ~ Hopelessness , they will all try to rear there ugly heads. I will squash them all with FUN and JOY. How about you?

p.s. if i need a reminder of this mid-year ~ would you?


Charlene ♥ NC said...

How delightful! Best Wishes for your New Year!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

That a girl! I will join you in the belly laughs too! It is so much better to see the humor in any situation. It isn't always easy to do,but with a little help from your friends, it is possible. I wish you many pant changes...:-)

Vintage books, Felted Bookcover and Wisdom from Martin Luther

Vintage books, Felted Bookcover and Wisdom from Martin Luther My dear Friends! How are you doing?  I have been using the time at home...