Monday, September 24, 2007

Happy Fall !!!

Jake, Teddi and I would like to wish all of you a very Happy Fall filled with pumpkin ice cream, country fairs,hay in your hair, fresh jam, homemade apple pie with french vanilla ice cream, love all around you and a great pumpkin on your stoop!

Monday, September 17, 2007

New York City ! Paula White ! Does It Get Any Better??

Anyone that knows me ~ knows how much I love and admire Paula White. She is an awesome preacher and has played a BIG role in my overcoming some difficult times the last few years. I received a VIP pass to her "Life By Design" seminar in NYC this past Sunday. This meant sitting in the VIP section and an amazing spread of food afterwards and of course a chance to meet Paula. One of the Winans sang to open the event . The stage was filled with amazing talent and the move of the Holy Spirit was mighty! I was blessed to sit next to the beautiful woman to the far right in the photo. We prayed together and rejoiced in the Lords love and presence that seemed to charge through us all.The other 2 lovely woman I met at the dinner and we all bonded quickly.Excuse the awful pic of me ~ YUCK ~ to the left of Paula! Also is the photo of beautiful Bryant Park. I sat there to eat a quick bite of pork fried rice and shared with the pigeons! I also took a 5 minute run into M&J Trimmings for some beads and cording for myself and Pat . After Paula's seminar ~ my husband met me and we went to Little Italy for the SanGenero festival.We had a thin crust pizza with fresh mozzarella and herbs. OH YUMMY! I wish I would have tried some of the athentic Sangria that was being served.I took the pic of the statue on Spring Street in the Village.It was I believe a memorial to the builders of Rockefeller Center but if I am wrong please feel free to correct me! Frank and I always need to take a walk through Times Square on our way back to Grand Central to catch the train and of course grab a quick hot dog from the vendors!

This Grasshopper was BEAUTIFUL............ I endured a good 5 minutes of dog poop in between my toes just to get this shot! Just after my toes had an encounter with "Teddi Treats" I saw this gorgeous bug. I shook off what I could and then hopped sideways into the house to retrieve my camera before this vision of beauty hopped away! It was all worth it! Super size this photo and check out the perfection of this creature!

My 2 Hours in Heaven ~ Amish Country

I was making my way home to Ct. from my family reunion last week-end in Maryland and took a short detour through Intercourse, Pa. I was happily alone and able to go quickly (I gave myself a 2 hour limit )through all my fav quilt shops. I stocked up on jams and canned goods at the Kitchen Kettle and had lunch at the Best Western in Intercourse. I believe they serve some of the best food in the area. I sat by the window and looked at the door of the suite we always stayed in when the kids were little. I could still see their little excited faces and watch them swinging on the swing set that once was there. I will admit my heart hurts alittle whenever I return to this special paradise ~ remembering what once was.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lost Childhood Friends ~ Found!

I had the most amazing moment this week-end. I was in the area of the neighborhood I grew up in and decided to drive by my old home.It was late on a Sunday night and very dark! I somehow managed to find my old street in spite of 25 yrs of time gone by and old landmarks gone as well! There was my friend Eddy standing in front of his home ~ just where I left him! We were both in a delightful state of shock! Then who comes driving down the road but one of my best friends of long ago Joe! Eddy jumped in my convertible and we drove to Joe's home to greet him in the drive way! It was a dream like moment!!! Both of these dear friends are as different as night and day. One crazy and light hearted ~ the other disciplined and calculated. Both of them walked beside me through tearful moments and joyful ones as well. We went through the awkward years of the early teens together. Along with the other neighborhood kid's ~ we were family. As I looked in the eyes of these two dear faces of long ago ~ I saw the kindness and deep down goodness of them both.I realized as I drove back to my hotel room that night what a lucky girl I was to have known them at such a fragile time in my life.I love you both with all my heart ~ we will NOT lose touch again! Karen ~ I'm coming to find you next!!!!

Cool Old Bottles

My friend Jamie gave me these old bottles this summer. I have kept them on my porch and when I can steal a moment ~ I try to date them with the help of my reference books. Many appear to be from the turn of the century. I have what I believe is one of the first style of Heinz ketchup bottles. The bottle to the left says "You Can't Beat It." Well now that just leads my imagination to wander.........

My Humble Little Home Sweet Home

The front of my house to the left of my front door down to our garage. Notice how close it is to the road! It was built in the late 1880's when horses were still the prefer ed way to get around. I still dig up horse shoes in my garden! The old Victorian next door (double click on photo and you will see it to the left) is abandoned. I keep daydreaming of buying it and turning it into a B&B. It has a beautiful view of our town from the back. Oh my ~ my side walk certainly needs weeding!!!!

Grape's from Tino

Tino was my next door neighbor who past away several years ago. His wife Kay thankfully still lives next door. He was straight off the boat from Italy. He spoke VERY broken english and had many delightful "ways" that I loved to observe. He had a HUGE garden every year and alternated his garden bed from year to year from one side of the yard to the other. The side not used each year was covered with old carpeting. He planted all his tomato plants side ways with just the tip coming out of the soil. His seeds were from his childhood farm in Italy.He saved seeds from his plants each year. One year ~ we took our family on a fall vacation. When we came home ~ all my tomato vines were hanging from my basement pipes covered in green tomatoes! A frost had come and he didn't want to see the green tomatoes go to waste. It was a wonderful treat to come home to. I had a small grape vine growing on my front picket fence. Throughout the summer on his evening walk ~ he would often trim my vines as he walked by. Never ask ~ just trim away. My grapes were always sweet and abundant! One Christmas time ~ I was quite pregnant with my youngest daughter.Frank and I went over for a visit and he insisted I eat his homemade jared cherries. They were delicious ! I gobbled a bowl down ~ only to find myself quit tipsy! Turns out they were preserved in alcohol. Now this is a girl who didn't even drink a glass of wine when pregnant. When Tino passed away ~ I took care of my neighbors yard for a while. One day I found this tiny remnant of the grapes from his grape arbor that had been long ago torn down.I planted it in my yard and this year was blessed with grapes! They are hanging from the fence that divides our yards. If he were here ~ the ground below would be covered in bits of trimmed vines ~ and this little cluster would have been a huge bumper crop! We miss you and love you!

My Summer Garden ~ Up Close

My place of refuge is my garden. I love to work hard and long in it ~ mentally and physically. It's one of the places I hear God's voice the clearest.

Sailing off of Mystic, Ct. on Labor Day

Our Friend Howie invited Frank (dh),Franky(my son), and myself on a wonderful day of sailing off Mystic Seaport. It was a picture perfect day! For me it was also a lesson in overcoming a longstanding fear of mine.....sailing! Silly as it sounds ~ I feel now that my kids are grown I have the freedom to take risks again. If I die ~ I know they will be okay. Now come on ~ I know other Mom's must know what I mean! We went out to the spot where the water from the Atlantic enters the Long Island Sound. Suddenly the waves became a good 3 feet and boat was tipped clearly on it's side. It was GLORIOUS! I wasn't scared! YIPPEE! Of course Howie is the guy you would want to be at the helm! He started sailing with his grandfather at a young age and has vast knowledge on sailing. His grandfather happens to be Hervy Garrett Smith who wrote many highly acclaimed books on boats. His book "Marlin Spike Sailor" is a must have for all sailors. Thank you Howie for a WONDERFUL day !!!

Vintage books, Felted Bookcover and Wisdom from Martin Luther

Vintage books, Felted Bookcover and Wisdom from Martin Luther My dear Friends! How are you doing?  I have been using the time at home...