I remember one day when I was little ~ my Mom reached down and placed this charm in my hand. She explained that "from little acorns ~ great oak trees grow." I have applied this thought to many areas in my life and it is what came to mind when this project was born.
My friend Pat Winter http://gatherings100.blogspot.com/ had a "tiny acorn of an idea" to send "Comfort Dolls" http://www.comfortdolls.blogspot.com/ to battered woman's shelters. Myself and so very many others jumped aboard and it is quickly growing to "great oak tree status" reaching worldwide in a fairly short period of time. I noticed one of the shelters she sent to was just one town over in Waterbury, Ct. I work in the Mayors office in Naugatuck and he encouraged me to put out a call in our Naugautck Town Hall and take a collection for our local shelter ~ Safe Haven in Waterbury. The folks I work with generously donated cases of TP, paper towels , diapers, food and personal items, and new clothing. I embroidered "YOU ARE LOVED" on enough blankets so that if they are at maximum capacity ~ each woman will receive a blanket with warm, cozy socks attached. I thank you all from the very depths of my heart for letting the Lord use your beautiful hands as a vessel to reach these woman He loves so dearly. These shelters are often the last hope for many woman, mothers and their children who are suffering from abuse. There is nothing more hopeful or more powerful ~ than woman lifting up woman. Be FILLED with all the Love that you have shared with others. Pat may your Oak Tree grow Mightier with each passing day. Always remember ~ beautiful ones ~ that YOU ARE LOVED.