Tuesday, July 15, 2008

In Memory of My Beautiful Cousin Kris

Kristen Jeanne Trader, 44, a lifelong resident of Severna Park, MD, died suddenly at her home Friday morning, July 11, 2008.
My beautiful, witty, fun loving cuz ~ what will life be like without you? Word's are hard to find now.
I am picturing you laughing and rejoicing blissfully in heaven with Uncle Buzz, John, Laura, Paul and Pixie.
Keep a spot warm for me ~ I'll bring the wine :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Family Adventure in Stonington, Ct.

The whole fam together ~ this doesn't happen to often!
Ashley ~ trust me ~ she was being a wise guy!

Approaching all these BIG black birds standing at attention was a little scary!

He was ready to POUNCE! I backed off!

Frank trying to keep up !

This looks like a dinosaur head to me ~ what do you think?

My handsome boy Franky.

It felt like our heads were gonna hit going under!

Me and Frank : )

It was so exciting to be so close to this bird ~ he was HUGE!

Our Sweet Duo Tony and Cher Bear

My Beauty Jaci Sue ~ hey are those my earrings????

Aren't they adorable !

HEY! I didn't know they made battery's too! And below ~ a self portrait of Frank's mouth ~ tee hee!

Such perfection can't be planned! All 4 of my kids ~ Frank and myself ~ and the love of Cheri's life Tony ~ (7 altogether) decided to have a day together to celebrate Frank's 47th birthday. We drove 90 minutes north to Stonington, Ct. to go kayaking. The starting point is a saltwater channel and ends up on the Narragansett Bay. We traveled through a bird sanctuary and amazing views. We went under bridges including the a train bridge. We had the boats for 4 hours so towards the end ~ we got silly and tryed to match all the points of the kayak's like a star. Then we went under the tiny private piers the homeowners had for their boats. You had to flatten yourself out flat so your head wouldn't hit the pier!
See the island with the black birds on it? I was approaching this far ahead of the others. The birds all started to stretch out their wings as I got closer. It was scary but I haven't felt such excitement rise up inside of me in a long time.
It was so satisfying to try something new! I have been in a real funk and this was JUST what the doctor ordered!
Not since I tryed crazy quilting for the first time have I encountered something I KNEW had to be a part of my life forever!
I see a kayak with my name on it in my future : )
By the way ~ what NEW thing might you try this summer?

What's Happening In My Garden This Week

The Garden Ferries are finding wonderful places to hide is the garden this week. Lilly Pads, hollyhock, daisy's, cone flower, hydrangea, lupines, and butterfly bush are all in bloom. The green tomatoes and funky looking mushrooms are delightful places for them to sit a spell on a steamy summer night. The butterflies can't hide their excitement as they travel from blossom to blossom. Heaven has arrived in my garden!

Scenes From The Circle Line, NYC

I thought you would enjoy seeing some of the sight's from "The Circle Line" cruise ship in New York City. Jaci was visiting this past week so I happily made my second trip to the city in 3 days to show her and her friend some of the sights. This is a wonderful 3 hours cruise around the entire island of Manhattan. I highly recommend it! Also note one of the most beautiful sights ~ the beautiful sculpture atop Grand Central Terminal.

Vintage books, Felted Bookcover and Wisdom from Martin Luther

Vintage books, Felted Bookcover and Wisdom from Martin Luther My dear Friends! How are you doing?  I have been using the time at home...